I get paid to PUSH. So do you. If you don’t have that habit, start now and build it in your workouts. Do more than you normally do and push yourself. I’m 41 and still have about 25 years until “retirement” age. What you’ve seen me do with my life was only 12 years. There’s SO much time for you to get what you want out of life but that thought is a trap. Don’t procrastinate. Start now.

“The difference between success and failure is not dramatic. In fact, the difference between success and failure is so subtle, so mundane, that most people miss it. They may not realize they have a philosophy, but they do, and it goes like this:
What I do right now doesn’t really matter. It’s not hard to see how you might have come to this understanding of life. I don’t blame you. I’ve been there. It’s completely understandable. It’s just not the truth.
The truth is, what you do matters.
What you do today matters.
What you do every day matters.
Successful people are those who understand that the little choices they make matter, and because of that they choose to do things that seem to make no difference at all in the act of doing them, and they do them over and over and over until the compound effect kicks in.
Those little things that will make you successful in life, that will secure your health, your happiness, your fulfillment, your dreams, are simple, subtle, mundane things that nobody will see, nobody will applaud, nobody will even notice.
They are those things that, at the time you do them, often feel like they make absolutely no difference.
Things that are ridiculously easy to do—but just as easy not to do.
Things that don’t seem to bring you any visible results—at first. Things that seem so insignificant, they couldn’t possibly matter. But they do.
Things that, when you look at them as single occurrences, don’t seem like they’d have any impact at all—yet when compounded over time they add up to outrageous success.”
We are looking to help a few more people get started OR re-started on your health and fitness journey so if this person is YOU. Send me an email at [email protected]
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