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I want to impress my date |

Palms sweaty I’m sitting at the round table on a dinner date before the sweetheart dance with my Eminem bleached buzz cut, I want to impress my date so I say, “I can play the bass guitar”

I’m not lying…. however the only thing I knew was the first few notes of “In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida” and I did NOT own a bass guitar.

The other guys at the table tell me, “you’re in, you’re our new bass player”

I go home realizing I’m a fraud or I have to figure this out. I borrow my friends bass guitar and mini amp and show up to practice and that’s where it began.

I sat in my room with that borrowed guitar plugged into the old grey Montgomery VINTAGE STEREO TURNTABLE SYSTEM and memorized guitar tabs for hours.

It was then, at 16 years old, I wanted to become a famous Rockstar.

When I was 22, I was still PURSUING that goal or dream while playing music in SLC, Utah.

I want to impress my date, male bodi partner, men bodi partners

It wasn’t until 20 YEARS later that we produced our first album and began to open up for BIG bands that I looked up to when I was in my early 20’s. I had those same sweaty palms as I had on that sweetheart dance as I walked up to Ronnie from Red Jumpsuit Apparatus as we were walking off stage before they came on set.

We went on to write and produce 2 albums but my priorities have shifted since then and I quit playing 8 years ago. I realized that I just wanted to excel at something and inspire people. I wanted to be on a “stage”

I get to do that now as a partner and coach.

But my friends… here’s the lesson.

If you STOP trying or give up, you’ll never get there. You have to DECIDE what it is you want out of your life and then spend the rest of your life on Earth working on building your skills and talents as you work toward those goals. It doesn’t come overnight.

I’m curious, what did you want to do with your life when you were younger?


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