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I'm Drowning| A Lifeline called Team Beachbody |

I’m Drowning

It was 7 years ago I slipped beneath the water fighting at first and then slowly giving in. A heavy weight was chained to my ankles.

How did I end up here?
How did I get myself in this situation?

I drifted deeper and deeper into the darkness of the water. I looked up and saw the light getting dimmer as the thousands of thoughts came into my mind such as, “This is what it feels like to drown” and “this can’t be how it ends”.

Just as it was about to go completely dark, I saw the shadow of a person and then a hand emerged through the water causing ripples and allowing light to penetrate through the darkness. The hand was within grasp and I grabbed hold with both hands and was pulled upward.

As my head came out of the water I took a life giving breath and filled my lungs with the oxygen needed to survive. I was ALIVE.

i'm drowning, struggle

This all happened in the parking lot of my job around 9:35 am one morning as I spoke with one of my mentors. I was hiding with my hoodie on to cover the tears from passing co-workers. I was sharing how hard life was getting with 12 hour workdays at a job I didn’t enjoy with people that made it challenging. I was sharing how Gabby and I worked different shifts and the pain of dropping and picking up our 3 girls from the babysitter caused. I was sharing how difficult it was paying off the debt we had from the birth of our daughter. I was sharing how hard it was because I wasn’t advancing rank in my business.

She said, “It sounds like you are drowning”. After sharing the things above I agreed that yes, I did feel like I was drowning. You’re probably feeling like this as well my friend and I will tell you what she told me that day. “Grab hold of this Opportunity and never let go. This is your lifeline.”

I wouldn’t be here the way you see me today had I not grabbed onto the hand. The hand is outreached to you as well my friend. We’re here to support you and encourage you through the trials that we’ll all inevitably face and together we are stronger. #dynastystrong