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Is Shakeology worth it? Find out now

Is Shakeology worth it?

Savannah Butler

I want to be 100% honest with you.  For an entire year I refused to try Shakeology.  I was always debating in my mind, “Is Shakeology worth it?”  It wasn’t until I realized that I was spending a little over $3 a day buying 2 for $3 Rockstar Energy drinks and never feeling like I had the energy that I really needed to give 100% to my workouts and have energy to make it through my day.  So if you ask me is Shakeology worth it, my answer is absolutely YES.  I want to share with you how Shakeology and our workouts were a GAME CHANGER for my friend Savannah in her own health and fitness journey.  I know that the photo below will inspire you, but I want you to read her message to me so that you can understand an know how much Team Beachbody has changed her life.


results may vary

“I got started after having baby #1 and #2, but with number 2 I linked up with my coach and used shakeology which was a huge game changer and I believe helped me get through my ppdd.  I happened on to the coaching opportunity because my coach is awesome and really laid it out there for me on what it could be!  Not only has beachbody helped me get healthy and fit, but it has changed my LIFE in so many ways! Beachbody helped me regain my identity and be the best version of myself working on the inner and outer! Now I chose to pay it forward because I know how much this has done in my life and I want to do the same for others both personally and professionally with their own transformations and with the coaching opportunity. Everyone matters and deserves to be happy and I want to continue to help end the trend of obesity! I think the best thing I have heard from a challenger (among many things) is “because of you and this challenge group, I pressed play and I did not quit!” I am on a mission to create a life by design and I know if I keep people in my forefront, things will fall right into place! Still working on my masterpiece. Also I gained over 60 pounds with each baby so I had a ways to go to feel comfortable in my skin again and beachbody programs (insanity, asylum both volumes, 21 day fix extreme, combat, cize , now max 30) and shakeology have helped me get there!” – Savannah


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