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Jim Rohn why not now |

Jim Rohn Why Not Now

Taken from Jim Rohn Speech, “Why not now”


“I want you to ponder these 4 questions, the 1st question to ponder when you go home is WHY.  Why go this far?  Why try to learn this much?  Why study?  Why try to put yourself out?  Why try to earn as much as you can earn?  Share as much as you can share?  Why become as much as you possibly can become?  Why develop yourself to the full?  Why try to do it all?  Why try to take on this much responsibility?   Develop every skill you possibly can?  See every human you possibly can?  Go to every class you possibly can?  Touch everybody you possibly can?  Why do that much?  Why go that far?  Why share that much?  Why give that much away? Why try to see everything?  Why try to do everything?  Why try to become everything?
The 1st question to ponder when you go home is WHY?  Here is another good answer to why, its the second question.  WHY NOT?   Why not see how much you can earn?  Why not see how much you can learn?  Why not see how many skills you can develop?  Why not see what  kind of person you can become?  Why not see what kind of influence you can have?  Why not see how many people you can rescue from oblivion?  I want you to take that personal?  Why not?  Why not?  You’ve got to stay here until you go?  I mean what else are you going to do?  Why not see how much you can do and how far you can go
Now here is number 3?  WHY NOT YOU?  You’ve got the brains. You can make decisions.  You can study the plan. You can change your life?  You can grow immensely in the next few years. You can make your dreams come true.  You can build a financial wall around your family NOTHING can get through.  You can become healthy. You can become powerful.  Why NOT you?
My very last question On the questions to ponder is WHY NOT NOW?  There never was a better time.  And what a time now for us to take this dream and not let it die.  Take this dream and give it life.  Take this dream and breathe into it your own personal spirit until finally it becomes a flame that burns around the whole world.
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