“Whenever people stop actively learning and growing, the clock has started ticking down to a time when they will no longer have anything left to give. If you want to keep giving, you have to keep growing. Sometimes people stop learning because they become complacent. They believe they have grown enough, or they want only to make the most of what they already have in terms of skill and knowledge. But when that happens, they start to plateau and then decline. They lose their innovative spirit. They begin to think about being efficient instead of breaking ground. They cut costs instead of investing in growth. Their vision becomes very limited. And instead of playing to win, they start playing not to lose.
The second thing that happens to people who stop trying to actively grow is they lose their passion. We all love doing what we’re good at, but being good at something requires us to keep our skills sharp. Less skill leads to less enthusiasm and eventually discontent. If we reach this stage, we start looking behind us, because that is where our best days are. We think about the good old days, the glory days. At that point, we’re only a few short steps from obsolescence. Nobody wants to learn from a has-been. What kind of contribution can we make if we get to this point? I want to give until I’ve given all I have. To do that I must keep growing until I can grow no more.” John c Maxwell 

I have at least 24 more years of the typical working life before retirement. I’m going to strive my very best to continue growing myself and to add value to others. When people are number one in your life, adding value to them becomes natural. You do it as a matter of lifestyle.
Somebody came to me a couple of days ago and told me they have a huge email list and a funnel system and that they could “sale the *%+#” out of Shakeology and BODi on automation. Their next comment was, “but I don’t have time to run those groups and help them”
I told them you’re not a good fit for our team and business. Why? Because the work that I do and that our team does matters and we want to leave a positive mark and impact on the lives of the people we come in contact with.
You know what feels really good in life?  Progress and giving your life in-service to others.
To join our team, you don’t have to leave your job or do this full-time.  It’s up to you the amount of time you want to put in and the number of lives that you want to positively impact. Maybe there’s not a fire to grow in your job and that’s OK. Come get healthier with us, grow with us, help other people, and earn some extra income to keep up with inflation, pay off your home sooner, or invest in your retirement. 
If you are reading this message, you don’t have to do it alone. Come join a group with us and create some new habits where you’ll start to feel better almost right away. We’ll help you feel better and earn more for your family. We’re building an Elite top team and want to work with hard working, vision driven, dreamers like you.
If you have results with these programs and want to learn how to become a partner on our team please make sure that you fill out this application.
If you are not sure WHAT a partner is and want to watch a few videos BEFORE filling out an application that’s okay and you can watch them HERE