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Keep Growing |

Too many leaders think they have to project a perfect image to have leadership credibility.

To be honest, it’s been hard recently.

The world is more distracted and people are living in fear more than ever.

My belief, however, is that hard times create stronger leaders and I’m here for it.

The transition of our company over the past year to BODi has been challenging. I’ve seen many people leave or go on to do different things; and yes, it’s hard to see people you invest in move on to something else but it does not change my personal vision or the vision I have for our team and it’s leaders.

We help parents get healthier and build more confidence in themselves. We help them create the ability to spend more time with loved ones and family and less time at a JOB. More importantly we empower others to continually grow into their full potential.

This upcoming Monday I’ll be on a National Wakeup call announced as 14 star diamond and many other accolades, but today I wake up as a 4 star diamond.

The rank doesn’t define who I am or what I’m capable of growing into so today I show up working to add value to the lives of people I work with. I will take steps forward to grow myself.

“People respect leaders who tell the truth but who still hold fast to the vision and keep leading the team forward.”

I’m only 41 so there’s ALOT of time to keep growing and planting seeds of growth in others.

Keep Growing

I help you as a new parent who is overworked, underpaid, and under-appreciated to reignite your dreams, feel good today, and build successful habits.. Send me an email at

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