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Life Changing Money |

My friend Matt Achimon lost his dad 12 days short of his 40th birthday when he was younger. It’s been a huge part of his motivation as a husband and father of 4. He’s on a mission to make life changing money while helping others live a healthier more fulfilling life.

He found P90X on an infomercial and knew had had to do something different.

Next month Matt turns 40 himself and in honor of his father will be helping 15 others go through the P90X program with him.

Men of bodi, life changing money

Every week I have a short phone call with Matt as one of my top partners and it’s an honor and a blessing to do this work by his side where we help others feel better and earn more money for their families.

These programs and meal plans work.

The accountability of this team is real.

The compensation plan for our company pays generously.

If you’re looking to feel better and earn more income for your family you know how to get a hold of me.

With over 70 million adults in the USA obese there’s a real need for you to help and serve others. You can make an impact on the lives of other people and Build your financial security at the same time.

Life changing money

I love this message he shared on his Facebook on Thursday when he was paid for the work he has been doing as a BODi partner on our team.

Life. Changing. Money.

Look, most all of us are experiencing and feeling the weight of increased costs. Not just interest rates but who’s paying more than ever for groceries, fuel, services, activities for your kids?

I know I am!

Some of that’s the nature of our economy and inflation, some of that is growth of my family (boys in jiu-jitsu, daughter in competitive gymnastics).

Life changing money is different for everyone and doesn’t have to be thousands to millions. As a husband and father trying to provide for my family and give my kids opportunities every little bit matters.

Thursday is Payday for my BODi business and I am grateful.

While I have big goals and aspirations, I’m not rolling in money, but it makes an impact. Most importantly, the money I earn is by helping others and connecting them to a solution that could change their life like it has mine.

This is no get rich quick scheme. It takes work. It takes time. But it’s meaningful work.

You’re running from your fears

Maybe you’re like me, a busy parent looking for a way to earn some extra money and in a way you can believe in and be proud of. If that’s you, I’d love to chat. Make sure that you apply below the video.

*BODi does not guarantee any level of success or income from the BODi Distributor Opportunity. Each Partner’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Distributor Earnings located at for the most recent information on our Partners’ actual incomes. *

If you are reading this message, you don’t have to do it alone. Come join a group with us and create some new habits where you’ll start to feel better almost right away. We’ll help you feel better and earn more for your family. We’re building an Elite top team and want to work with hard working, vision driven, dreamers like you. 

If you have results with these programs and want to learn how to become a partner on our team please make sure that you fill out this application. 

If you are not sure WHAT a partner is and want to watch a few videos BEFORE filling out an application that’s okay and you can watch them HERE

We are on FIRE

I want to provide a good home for me and my daughter to live and to stop living pay check to paycheck. I’m going to earn extra money to put in savings to help my daughter with college and for her soccer career. I know my daughter can go all the way and even be a pro player. I don’t want to be the reason to hold her back because I don’t have the time or money.

This is a message I got from Isaac Diaz who was a former coach who messaged me that he wanted to get back using Recover shake and Energize. He realized his coach account was closed and took that as a sign to reach out and work with a leader with great energy and a vision to help others feel good and earn more income for their families.

It’s really cool to see how God is working in our lives and in our business when I took time to SLOW down and to wake up a little earlier each day to pray, journal, and mediate about our goals and vision. Part of that daily journaling says, I recruit or attract 5 business building partners every month, I develop new emerald leaders monthly, and I develop one new diamond partner every quarter.

In my prayers I ask that the right people hear my messages and feel a desire to grow, feel better, and to make a difference in the lives of others and that I commit and promise to guide and lead them with integrity.

So it’s no surprise to me that we’ve brought on 2 new incredible humans as partners to this team this week.

Welcome to the team brother and I am excited to see you GROW with the Dynasty Strong Level Up Squad.