“Aren’t you so excited for your home to be finished and you can finally move in?”
I’ve gotten this question a few times and to be honest it will feel amazing to move in and I’ll be so grateful.
But…. When it’s done, for me, it will be bittersweet.
I LOVE and live for the process. It’s like a burning desire of visualizing everything and trying to figure it out.
I drive out to the lot once a week and visualize everything from the house, the yard, the shed, the dock, where the fire pit will go, how spaced out the trees will be, where the sun crosses the sky. EVERYTHING.
It keeps me up a night where ideas come. I’ll wake up and sketch some drawings or write things in my notes. I’ll share them with Gabby and we’ll collaborate.
Next week we should start clearing the land and beginning the dig. ( if this snow ever melts)
But this has made me ponder on those I’ve seen achieve great success in their businesses.
They’re not “waiting” to get to a rank, income, or certain status.
They are simply OBSESSED and in love with the process. They see what the want to build and work with all their energy to create it

I help you as a new parent who is overworked, underpaid, and under-appreciated to reignite your dreams, feel good today, and build successful habits.. Send me an email at [email protected]
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