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Live in our Dream Home |

“May He give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed” -Psalm 20:4

Goethe understood the relationship between having big life altering goals, and shorter momentum building goals when he said, “It is not enough to take steps which may someday lead to a goal; each step must be itself a goal and a step likewise.”

One of my big goals that I write out every day is that we live in our dream home on the snake river which is paid off in full in 5 years and that I am doing work that I love from home so that I can be fully present with my wife, kids, and grand kids.

And as the quote above states, I can’t wait to take the steps someday. Every action that I take today will either leave me closer to that goal it further from it.

So I want you to think about the goals that you’re working on right now. Is every step you’re taking moving you closer?

The next thing that I see hold many people back after mentoring for 14 years.

If you don’t believe that you’re worthy of a particular outcome or goal you’re self sabotaging and you’ll never produce a result greater than what you think you are worthy of.

Can you imagine what it would be like pulling on both sides of a rope in a tug-of-war? Even if you win, you lose.

This is why making personal development should be one of your top priorities . You must build two things into your thinking as you create goals.

1. Ways to increase your faith in yourself.

2. Way to increase your identity when you look in the mirror.

Both of these will be integral parts of your self worry. Unless you’re confident and who you are and what you deserve, you’ll limit yourself in the goals you think you deserve.

If no one had told you lately, I want to be the person who tells you that you are worthy and that you were placed on this earth to make a positive impact.


If you are reading this message, you don’t have to do it alone. Come join a group with us and create some new habits where you’ll start to feel better almost right away. We’ll help you feel better and earn more for your family. We’re building an Elite top team and want to work with hard working, vision driven, dreamers like you. 

If you have results with these programs and want to learn how to become a partner on our team please make sure that you fill out this application. 

If you are not sure WHAT a partner is and want to watch a few videos BEFORE filling out an application that’s okay and you can watch them HERE