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With the rise of inflation and the economy changing, you have to drive harder and earn more for your family and some of you HATE that. 

Inflation, gas prices, interest rates, housing costs and just about everything else is more expensive. 

If you HATE the fact that you have to earn more for your family you just KILLED your progress.

Yes, anything that you apply HATE to dies and that includes your forward progress and growth. 

If you say “I hate when my husband does xyz…” (say those things enough times and your relationship will die.) 

If you say “I hate myself for or when I …” and you self loathe… a part of you will certainly die.

If you are building a business and say, “I hate change.” Or “ I hate that it’s different” You just killed progress. 

I’m going to talk about leadership because if you are a leader in some way. (to your clients, your coaches, your employees, your kids, the youth at church.. or even your spouse.) 

You might say….. 

“I hate that they don’t work as hard as me.”

Your leadership and influence will die. 

So let’s talk about HOW to fix that. In any of the circumstances above I want you to cross out hate and use the word LOVE.

I love that they don’t work as hard as me. 

I love that I can put my head on my pillow at night knowing I gave my best. 

I love that I’m trying. 

I love that I’m setting my self apart from the average and becoming great. 

Let’s start there. Using the word “hate” or “annoyed” will STEAL your confidence and your JOY. 

The world needs more leaders filled with LOVE and CONFIDENCE. 


I help you as a new parent who is overworked, underpaid, and under-appreciated to reignite your dreams, feel good today, and build successful habits.. Send me an email at [email protected]

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