Have you always wanted to love yourself a little more but don’t really know where to start? After completing the Morning Meltdown 100 Test group myself I knew that I should be inviting every person I know to do this program. My friend Lyndsey was one of the first to go through the 100 day fitness challenge and really had some great progress physically. However, the real magic happened on the inside so I want to share with you some words directly from her about her experience with the hopes that YOU feel inspired to reach out to me to start YOUR own journey together with our incredible support team and accountablity.

“Love yourself a little more kinda program
I accepted that I gained weight..what I didn’t anticipate was the struggle it would be to see and maintain any type of progress. It’s been over a year, and I needed something to push me, support me and motivate me! I am so damn grateful that my company goes above and beyond to create bad ass programs and equally grateful for my amazing community who hold me accountable everyday!
Morning Meltdown 100 literally got my groove back! Finally progress I am excited about and excited to move forward with! I said it before, it was the most humbling weight gain but I am truly ready to release! I knew I needed to heal a little more and work on me. (In the last 3 months I have been really leaning on my spiritual journey, wellness retreat in Banff was such a blessing to help guide me and a new tattoo to celebrate all the amazing change)
For the longest time I was trying to get to my “old” fit me. Now I am realizing, I am on a whole new adventure to find ME!
I am stronger then ever, mentally have overcome some of the toughest shit I didn’t imagine one could. I’m coming home to myself..and it feels AMAZING! Self love is the real deal, trusting yourself and knowing your passions and purpose are not random and can truly take time. Everyday I am releasing the burden of what others think of me…and moving forward knowing my path is fucking magic
Don’t be afraid to FAIL…this is where we grow. Get out of your comfort zone and when I say reach for the stars…find the highest stars and go for it! What do you have to lose?!
Round 2 starts today!
I am down 10 lbs and 13.5 “ -don’t get me wrong this is AMAZING and I am super happy with my progress. But the real transformation is all happening on the inside