We’re officially under contract to build this BEAUTIFUL 5 Bedroom home as our 4th Luxury Vacation Rental near Park City and 10 minutes from the new Ski resort being built called The Mayflower (the Newest and Largest to be built in the USA in the past 30 years [The size of Manhattan]). I am excited about this rental opportunity because they are just starting to build Mayflower Resort homes. Our subdivision is actually 12 minutes from the soon to be finished resort and the homes are around $500 per Sq foot to build. However, just 15 minutes away in Park City, the homes are selling for about $1500 per sq foot.

Some of you won’t like this post and I’m okay with that. Some of you will be empowered to grow into a stronger version of yourself by setting new goals and growing into the person you can become and that’s my purpose.
Want to know how we keep growing consistently over time? Every time in my career that I have moved forward and accomplished goals it’s because I had a clear goal and I visualized it daily as if it had already happened. I achieve a goal and set the next, understanding that happiness and joy is not in achiveing the goal but in the PROCESS of growth when working toward a goal.
Bringing my wife home from her job 2012
Earning six figure from home side hustle 2012
Paying off primary residence by 32 years old in 2013
Earning a million dollars in one year by 33 years old 2014
Retiring my parents
2 month long summer vacations (where I still work, just remotely)
Being a top 10 coach in our company
Purchasing 3 vacation rentals paid in full.
Starting the build of our 4th Rental.

Set aside time each and every day to visualize every one of your goals as already complete. This is one of the most vital things you can do to make your dreams come true. Some psychologists are now claiming that one hour of visualization is worth 7 hours of physical effort.
I have a clear goal of owning and having paid in full with no debt, 5 vacation rental homes by December 31st 2025 (3 years)I will teach my 5 young children to market, manage, and run them as a businesses so that when they choose their schooling and or career path, the choice is based on doing something they love versus picking a career they think will “pay well”. They can focus their time and energy on their studies, gifts, and passions versus doing something they don’t love that will “pay the bills.” If they want to teach dance, they can teach dance. If they want to paint and sale their art, they can do that knowing that the rental income can help support their families. They won’t put THEIR kids and my future grandkids in daycare like Gabby and I had to do the first few years. So, that’s why you see me so bold and passionate about helping you transform your life. Like what Russell Crowe says in the movie Gladiator, “What we do in this life echos in eternity “
Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity.Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of IndependentCoach Earnings located at http://tbbcoa.ch/TBB_SOICE for the most recent information on our Coaches’ actual incomes.