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Misconceptions about self-confidence |

I want to share with you four misconceptions about self-confidence and identity that I learned from one of my mentors Ed Mylett.

1. I am what I possess.

Make sure that you do not link self-confidence and identity to your possessions. It’s a flawed assumption that the more possessions that you acquire, the higher self-confidence will be, and the better your identity will become.  I do not link my possessions or material wealth with self-confidence and identity. Keep them separate.

2. I am my accomplishments.

This is a horrible trap to fall into because all your life, to feel good about your self-confidence and your identity, you’re going to have an insatiable need to keep accomplishing things. Keep it simple. You are you. I believe you were put on this earth to do great things and to make a positive impact on others but feeding your ego is a trap. Go out there, grow yourself, and attempt and accomplish great things but remember that it all can be taken away in an instant.

3. I am what other people say I am.

Wrong. Don’t base your worth on social media hearts, and likes. Don’t beg for compliments. It’s a cheap and needy way to live your life. If you’re worried about what other people are saying, you’re doing the opposite of improving self-confidence and designing your new identity.

4. What I look like means everything.

False. Don’t fall into the trap of what the world thinks beauty should be. this is especially true for women who are bombarded with blogs, podcast, social media, and magazines with an extreme focus on external beauty.

misconceptions about self-confidence, Top male bodi partner , men bodi partners

Here’s the real deal. True beauty comes from within. It comes from your soul, intentions, your capacity to give, how you treat people, your beliefs, and your kind heart.

It’s good to work on your health, lose weight, dress in nice clothes, and make sure that you’re grooming yourself. The magic is to do it for you and nobody else. You are defined by the content of your character and not the reflection in your bathroom mirror. 

If you want to make a difference in the lives of the people around you, you have to become more authentically yourself. It’s an absolute miracle that you are on this earth today with the genetic make up, personality, and skills that you have.

Please don’t take that opportunity for granted.


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