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New Baby Boy- Stay at home Dad

New Baby Boy

We are super happy to announce the healthy birth of our 5th child Malik Lucas Hobbs!  He was born August 12th, Wednesday morning at 8:07 am.  We weighed 7 lbs and 2 ounces and was 20.5″ long.  His brothers and sisters were so excited to come visit him yesterday and today and we are grateful that my parents are watching the other 4 so that we can spend some quality time with the new little man.  We are blessed and overwhelmed with emotion at the love we feel through text and social media over the past 24 hours.  We love every single one of you and are thankful that you are a part of our lives.  I am thankful to be a part of Team Beachbody where I have the freedom to be here at the hospital with these two and that I don’t have anybody telling me when I have to go back to work.  We are the CEO’s of our own life.

