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Not having very much fun |

I used to be so serious with many things in life. My kids, my wife, my work, my business venture until I noticed that I was not having very much fun. I want to share this because there are people out there, perhaps you or somebody that you know that might benefit from this little message.

I was recently thinking about my little family of 7 and what has kept us close to one another and building some really fun memories. What I have found and seen is that we are very PLAYFUL.

Each of us as individuals are unique and not one of us can or should try to change another.

We need to love UNCONDITIONALLY the quirkiness and uniqueness of each person. When you can be playful it will keep you smiling and laughing and will remind you to not take yourself or any members of your family too seriously.

When you can be playful it removes some of the defensiveness that can occur within families.

One of the saddest things for me personally to see is when somebody has lost all of their sense of playfulness as an adult. When they are serious and always on the verge of being upset with other people and identifying what they don’t like about somebody.

When you arrive at a place like this in your life you will rarely experience life as it should be experienced and miss out on the joy of the simple things in life.

So you may be asking….

So I am that person?

How can I be more playful?

Be willing to laugh at yourself and try new things. Get on the floor and roll around with the kids or the grandchildren, pick up a board or card game and no matter how silly it may seem and have some fun.

Look at somebody and think, how could I make them smile.

Next… SMILE yourself. Then open yourself up to others who are light hearted and seem to be joyous and playful. You don’t have to change your personality by any means but take small steps and you will really begin to notice that people will love to be around you rather than shy away from your presence.

Send this to somebody who brings this light and sense of playfulness into your life.


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