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P90X3 Review - From a P90X Certified Coach

P90X3 Review


I’m just finishing up with my 2nd full week of P90X and this is my P90X3 review for you all so far.  I have done the original P90X at least 5 full times, I have done Body Beast two times, and Insanity the Asylum twice as well.  I love all three of those workouts but what I am really loving about P90X3 is the time.  I am a busy Dad with 4 kids under the age of 7 years old.  I believe that in order to be a better Father, Husband, Employee, or whatever part of your life it is you are trying to improve, you will become better when you make health and fitness a priority in your life.  I read a P90X3 review and watched the infomercial before I committed to this program and I am so happy with the results so far.  My wife is 3 weeks in and I can see a huge difference in her body.  Her weight hasn’t changed much but she is really losing inches an getting more defined.  I have see better results with P90X3 than I have seen with any other program so far.  I think the coolest thing is that honestly, 30 minutes flies by so fast!  The nutrition plan is easier to understand that previous nutrition plans we have seen with our workout programs and my wife Gabby actually made a video to make it easier for you to understand as well.  We have a group of over 180 friends and family doing this workout with us and will have a lot more P90X3 reviews to share with you as we continue our journey.  If you are looking for support on your fitness journey or would like me to be your FREE COACH, please CONTACT ME and I would love to help you get started.
