Paycheck to Paycheck
“If you will live like no one else, later you can live like no one else”
WE are 4 weeks into our trip to Maui with the kids and I thought back today to times in the past and completely remember what it felt like to tell the kids that we couldn’t get their face painted, or that they couldn’t have a snow cone, or we couldn’t do this or that.
I had an emotional moment today as I was grabbing some cash to take Ellie on our Daddy Daughter date.
As I got money out of the ATM, I remembered what it felt like when the receipt would come out and there would be like $17 balance.
I had that experience year after year.
Paycheck to paycheck
A feeling where your heart sinks all the way down to your feet, realizing that you have five or so more days until the next payday.
It was a much different feeling today, feeling of gratitude, A feeling of abundance, and the feeling that God is looking down over our family for some reason. I will remember this day for the rest of my life♥