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Personal Development Books for Kids

Personal Development Books for Kids



After posting this photo on Facebook of my 7 year old daughter up at 6:30 am this morning reading personal development books with me before she heads off to school and seeing the amazing responses and questions asked by our friends and followers I wanted to share them with you here in our blog.   These books below are ones that my wife Gabby bought off of Amazon and are all written by Dr Wayne W. Dyer and are simply amazing.  I believe that even as adults we can learn so much from the simplicity of what these books teach.  Sometimes we forget that as Children we are more open to believing and going for what our hearts desire with relentless ambition.  The book that she is currently reading is not for kids It’s called Greater by Steven Furtick and a little hard for her to understand but she is determined to finish it as she earns $20 for every Personal Development book that she reads.  We want to teach our kids what it will really take to become successful in their lives and so they are rewarded with income for Personal Growth.

Here are some Personal Development Books for kidspersonal_development_for_kidsFIND ME ON FACEBOOK