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Real Insanity Results

Real Insanity Results

Nick Selby

I want to share with you real Insanity results form our friend Nick Selby.  Nick is a VERY busy man and is happily married with 3 young boys or men as he likes to call them.  His boys are young athletes and he loves being a Father to them.  He has a 12 year old named Larry, and two 10 year old twins names Gabriel and Jacob.   Gabriel loves Basketball and Jacob is a great youth wrestler and football player.   As a Father he was always preaching to them that to become better at sports they needed to be in the best shape of their lives.  Nick realized that he himself was not an example and by no means in shape himself.  He tells me that the Lord spoke to him and said you need to set the example for your boys of how to be healthy and in shape.  His wife had been talking about Insanity so Nick was determined to try it.   They didn’t have money to purchase the Insanity program so he and his wife had to save up their money to make this investment on their health.  When they finally gathered up some extra  money they purchased Insanity and started their journey.  These are real Insanity results that Nick had this year and he is so excited to share them with you all.


results may vary

He goes on to say, ” I didn’t believe it would work as good as they say but it did and it saved my life”  By doing Insanity Nick went from 290lbs down to 217 and l0st 73lbs.  His pant size went from size 42 down to a size 34.  He now wears a size XL shirt instead of a 3Xl and he mentions to me that he LOVES the Beachbody programs and community.  We are proud of you Nick and you have set an amazing example not only for those 3 boys but for people all across the world.  You have real Insanity results that will inspire others to make changes in their life as well.  Thank you for sharing your story with us and keep on being that shining example of forever changing and improving health.

If you are INSPIRED by Nick’s Journey please CONTACT ME with your goals and we will help you get started.

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