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Retire Early |

Hey my friend you’re a hard-working person, you want to save up for your kids missions, their college funds, weddings, and might even want to retire early. You just don’t know why you can’t take it to the next level and you’re always paycheck to pay check.

Here’s a little insider advice on how we’ve built a 7 figure income.

The other day I spoke about keeping your “commitments to your commitments” on an online meeting with over 2,000 amazing people and I couldn’t help but wake up and remember this passage from Proverbs.

I’ll be direct.

Unreliable people are a PAIN. Yes, like a bad toothache or a sore foot.

Both of those are annoying and make life hard. The same goes in life when you are dealing with an unreliable person.

You can’t really relax, you have slight anxiety, and in the back of your mind you are wondering, “Will they let me down again or will they follow through this time?” I want you to think about these small examples.

We look for FAITHFULNESS in others right?

We want the internet to work, our apps to function, we want our food cooked at our favorite restaurant to be good or improving each time, we depend on the mail service to deliver our mail( in 2 days and for free!), we want the electricity to be consistently ON, and so forth.

This is a photo from the most FAMOUS geysers in the America and it’s called Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park. ( how cool is it that we also had a bison posing for our photo) It’s really close to our cabin.

Retire Early, male bodi partner, top male bodi partner, best bodi partners 2024

So why is it the MOST FAMOUS?

It’s certainly not because its the BIGGEST or even yet the most POWERFUL geyser. What makes this geyser the most famous is that it’s FAITHFUL.


It’s runs like clockwork and its been 100% dependable. People in this life count on dependability.  People travel from all over the world to come see this because they can count on it. It erupting about every hour and a half.


Would the people around you stake their lives on your ability to be dependable? I know 100% that I am not the most talented, educated, creative, good looking and the list could go on and on but I know that I am dependable and that I can keep my commitments to my commitments.

There is a parable that talks about talents and guess who receives the most talents and is most richly blessed. The person who shows the most faithfulness.

I’m showing up because I want to help you feel better and earn more income for your family with the incredible platform and tools that we have. I believe a brighter future lies ahead of you.

If you’re striving to take your life to the next level, make this one of the next most important traits you create in your life.

If you are reading this message, you don’t have to do it alone. Come join a group with us and create some new habits where you’ll start to feel better almost right away. We’ll help you feel better and earn more for your family. We’re building an Elite top team and want to work with hard working, vision driven, dreamers like you. 

If you have results with these programs and want to learn how to become a partner on our team please make sure that you fill out this application. 

If you are not sure WHAT a partner is and want to watch a few videos BEFORE filling out an application that’s okay and you can watch them HERE