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Stay Disciplined

Stay Disciplined


Scottie how do you ALWAYS stay disciplined EVERY DAY?

The answer is simple. It’s understanding the fact that we are creatures of habit. More often than not, if we don’t prepare, we take the easiest path. For example, lets say you “want” to workout in the morning. When you wake up your mind gets to make a TON of choices like,
“Do I hit the snooze”,
“What should I wear to workout?” 
“What should I eat”
“Do I do cardio”
“Should I just run?”
“Should I do weights?”
“Maybe I should just do the bike”stay_disciplined

You see, the PROBLEM with this is by the time you sort through all these questions you are mentally exhausted and have run out of time to actually do your workout.

Sooooo, I want to teach you what I do to stay disciplined.

  1. I place my workout clothes on the floor in the bathroom so it’s the only option of clothing to put on after my shower.
  2.  I walk into the kitchen and my Shakeology bag AND shaker are the ONLY thing on the kitchen counter.
  3.  I come into my office and there is a personal development book to read and a note to myself of what workout is on the schedule today.

It may sound CRAZY to you without having tried it, but if you can make things “easier” for you to do, you will do them.

A simple test for example if you find yourself watching television and wasting precious time. Take the batteries out of the remote. Put the remote in a drawer in another room. Then place a personal development book on the couch or right where you usually keep your remote and see what you do.

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