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Steven Nguyen- Amazing P90X results for a teenager

Steven Nguyen- Amazing P90X results for a teenager

Hello, my name is Steven Van Nguyen. I am near an eighteen year old boy who had took down the challenge and made it my bitch. In the aftermath, my body became phenomenally ripped. In the summer of 2011, I was not attending school so I had a lot of free time on my hands. I partied with friends, played countless hours of video games, and did other foolish teen stuff. One day in July-August, p90x called my name and since, I was bound to a workout lifestyle forever. One month of insane work, school was to begin. Walking into school, it was natural for boys and girls of all age to walk up to me and to ask me “what do you do… what do you eat… why are you so ripped?” My answer of course is the truth, and that is where my program started called Team Enhancement, to help others curious of getting in shape as I was. It’s been months after the creation of Team Enhancement, the members are straight out ripped. I had changed their lives with my little story, and surely they are going to change others as well.

When I started p90x, As soon as I pressed the play button, emotionally, physically, or some other way I was already attached. For 90 straight days I worked for the purpose of getting a hot body, and to impress girls; and it’s funny, as I kept doing p90x it would be natural for people to encourage me by the littlest comments and the talk around school about my transformation. And the stories I hear about others, on my team and not on my team, attempting p90x. With a decision, a contract with p90x, I encouraged over dozens of people without even saying a sound, but merely showing them the guns and the bazookas.

My Transformation:

Day 1: 140lbs

Day 30: 135

Day 60: 135

Day 90: 140

Now: 150lbs


End the trend of obesity; Take the most efficient way to get fit. Do the P90x.