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Story of the Talents

Story of the Talents


After a day of rest and church I feel re-jueventated and ready to tackle this week. To be honest, I wasn’t feeling it at all. The kids are out of school, I have a surgery this week, and it’s Thanksgiving. Have you ever felt like that? Where you just don’t want to do ANYTHING?

I was reminded this morning as I was reading my purpose statement of something from the Bible that goes something like this. Its the story of the talents. “Those who are trusted with something valuable must show that they are worthy of that trust”.
Jesus often referred to our lives as a trust and often told many stories to show or relate this responsibility that we have toward God. If you remember the story of the talents I want you to think about that parable. There is a businessman who entrusts his wealth to the care of 3 of his servant’s while he is away. When he returns he evaluates their responsibility in taking care of such wealth and rewards them accordingly. 

He says to them, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your Master’s happiness.

I was pondering on this and and realized that at the end of our life we will be evaluated on rewarded on how well we handled what God entrusted us with. This means that EVERYTHING we do, even the simple daily activities and chores has eternal reward/consequences.

So there is my motivation for today. Not only do I have 5 children that I have been entrusted with but I have thousands of clients and a team of 40,000 amazing individuals across the country who I need to be an example for. My simple daily activities today MUST be done.
“From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked”

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