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Stuck in the past |

You’ve worked smart and hard for a few years and leading the #4 team of sales in your entire company and eating an incredible meal in Tuscany Italy overlooking the countryside. You’ve become a “celebrity” in this small eco system of Beachbody and you’re at the top of your game and productivity. Life is pretty good. It’s a dangerous trap and I’m here to help you understand some things that have helped me in the past decade since being in this place. Too many people are stuck in the past . If you stay in the past, that will kill your ability to be productive in the present and will rob you of making plans in the future.

Stuck in the past

One of my mentors Ed Mylett shared, “The past is gone forever, but until you let go of it, the past is a thief and steals your ability to dream and imagine.”

You must spend time thinking about your future because that is where you’re heading. You must must stay connected also to your present present because that’s how you build a better future.

With the start of the NFL season this past week I can’t help but relate a winning team to winning in business.

In the 2014 Super Bowl, the Seahawks beat the Broncos 43-8. It was their first and only Super Bowl win. I use the year 2014 because that’s the year that I led a top 10 team in our company.

I’m not for or against the Seahawks, however they’re not going to win the next season or Super Bowl just because they had a big win 10 years ago. The same rings true for you and me.

In order to continuously win, you must continuously recruit good talent, put in the work, and exude and grow your leadership.

Do not fall in the trap of falling in love with your past if you’ve had great things happen. Maybe you earned an advanced college degree, got a huge job promotion, hit a big rank in your company, or achieved a huge income benchmark. Those things are nice, but if you rest on those laurels too much, you’re not living in the present and building a better future.

You must be develop the ability to spend time dreaming and imagining about your future while taking decisive actions in the present to shape what lies ahead.

I see massive growth and big wins in your future my friend but you can’t count on your past wins to get you there. it all depends on your vision, believing yourself, and the daily habits and work that you put in. 


If you are reading this message, you don’t have to do it alone. Come join a group with us and create some new habits where you’ll start to feel better almost right away. We’ll help you feel better and earn more for your family. We’re building an Elite top team and want to work with hard working, vision driven, dreamers like you. 

If you have results with these programs and want to learn how to become a partner on our team please make sure that you fill out this application. 

If you are not sure WHAT a partner is and want to watch a few videos BEFORE filling out an application that’s okay and you can watch them HERE