Have I ever mentioned how much I love seeing the progress in our support group the Dynasty Strong Virtual gym? This is Emmanuel, He and his wife Karen show up and tag me in their workouts, often with friends and family in a group workout daily on Instagram stories. I want to share with you, what he shared with me and remind you that we’re here for you with support and accountability in your health and fitness journey.

“I didn’t recognize the man I was seeing in the mirror. I was shocked that I had gained that much weight. My clothes weren’t fitting me anymore and that really beat me up mentally. I have done Beachbody workouts in the past I knew that I needed to start again! The past me would be afraid of what people thought of me. I would be so caught up in being judged. I would be afraid to wear certain colours because I did not want people to stare or thinking anything negative of me. But NOW! I am proud of what I am creating with the mind and body that I have. I have taking full responsibility in the fact that I can change it whenever I want to. There’s no one to blame other than myself. I will always encourage others because I was once in the position of feeling stuck and searching for some encouragement to move forward. So I see it as a way of giving back! Because I don’t know where I would be if it weren’t for the courageous people in front of me! As for continuing on this journey, that’ll never end because “the journey” is where all the excitement lives! Just imagine a rollercoaster, when we go on we don’t tell ourselves “I’m so excited for the ride to stop!” We want to experience all the quick turns and drops! That’s where the thrill is at! So I am here just enjoying the ride of LIFE! “