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Team Beachbody Retreat


From the August August 14th through August 17th I had the blessing to spend 3 days with some of the most incredible people that I have ever met.  Many times I sit in awe and wondering how God has placed these people into my life and it always comes back to the Law of Attraction and “getting what you focus on”  For the past 3-1/2 years as a Team Beachbody Coach I have been clear on my vision of the impact that we would make with the ripple effect of serving and caring about people with the mission of helping them live a healthier more fulfilling lifestyle.  We had 38 coaches stay in a 9,000 square foot mansion on the foothills of SLC, Utah and our coaches came from all over the country including a couple who drove 10-15 hours from California and Canada.  All in attendance agree that this was a life-changing event and something that we plan to do at LEAST once per year with our team of coaches.  This Team Beachbody retreat was open to any of my personally sponsored coaches who wanted to make the sacrifice of their time and the travel expense.  Instead of typing out day to day what we did, I have made a video with my thoughts and feelings about this retreat and also gathered videos and photos from some of the coaches that were there in attendance with us.  If you are debating doing a Team Beachbody Retreat for your team of coaches I highly recommending setting a date now and getting your coaches and team working with a goal to be at that event with you.

I will post the videos that I have gathered up next if you are wanting to hear the stories and takeaways from a few of my coaches and then will follow with some fun photos from our weekend together!

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