1. Spend More Time with Friends and Family
Make sure to spend time with your family and friends. Relationships are some of the most important parts of our lives. Build them and nourish them daily. Plan family activities and game nights with your friends.
As we know, most gyms are packed with people during the month of January with people set on their New Years Resolutions. Unfortunately these gyms go back to their normal status around February as people lose interest in their goals. Make it a GOAL this year to commit for life. We can HELP!!!

Take the plunge this year. Whatever it takes – cold turkey, the patch, nicotine gum – 2012 is the year to quit. There is overwhelming evidence that cigarettes cause death from lung cancer, gum disease, and heart attacks. Save years of your life by quitting smoking.
Most Americans complain that they are too stressed during the year. You will be able to manage your stress by taking control of your life. Schedule your time and make time to relax. Go hiking, go camping, get a massage, sit on the beach and envision your goals and aspirations.
6. Get Out of Debt, Manage Money
The past few years have been difficult for many American households. While the economy has not fully recovered, you can take control of your personal finances. Set strict goals to get out debt and control your life. Live under your means.
Whether you would like to learn a new language, attend a professional development event or take a class on fiction writing, 2012 is the year for you to learn something new. Before the New Year, choose exactly what you would like to learn and set out goals. Sign up for a class, schedule a conference or buy a book to learn new skills.
Faced with the prospect of a night of champagne, many Americans will start the New Year with a resolution to drink less alcohol. Alcohol consumption can hurt your wallet, your liver and your body. Besides the frustrations of hangovers, alcohol has long term negative effects on the body. If you plan to drink less alcohol, be sure to decide what that means before beginning the New Year because it is easy to slip up.
Throw out your diet books and resolve in 2012 to eat healthier without a diet plan. Diets can be tiring and taxing, but eating healthy has the benefits of a diet and will make you feel great. Make a list of the foods you hope to leave out of your diet in 2012 and the foods you hope to eat more often. Jumping into a new health kick can be difficult to keep up, so start slow, but do not let yourself fall into old habits.
10. Be More Eco-Conscious and Recycle
Make 2012 the year you give back to planet Earth. Find the details for your local recycling online. You can also read up on eco-friendly products like shampoos and soaps that won’t release toxins into the water. Buy yourself a reusable plastic water bottle and avoid using plastic bottles.
11. Save Money Not only should you try to get rid of debt, but a popular New Year’s resolution is saving money. Open a savings account and set aside a certain percent of your paycheck each month. As frustrating as it might be each month, at the end of the year you will have a nice amount of savings. At the end of the year, you can use your savings to take a vacation or to invest for retirement.
Many Americans set out to volunteer more in the New Year, but many often do not commit to the resolution because life can be more hectic and busy than previously anticipated. Even if you do not have time to volunteer this year, donate money to a charity that is important to you or give back to the community by donating books, food and clothing.
13. Read More Books, Watch Less TV
Instead of coming home at the end of the day and putting on the TV, resolve this year to read more books. The Kindle Fire, Nook and iPad 2 were popular gifts this holiday season, which seems to indicate that consumers are hoping to read more newspapers, magazines and books. Be a part of the new trend and pick up a book instead of watching TV in 2012.
Many Americans feel there are not enough hours in the day and will stay up late to compensate for working long hours. By getting to sleep earlier the day might actually feel longer, because you will be refreshed for a larger part of the day. Instead of staying up late, make your resolution in 2012 to sleep earlier.
Source- International Business Times
I HAD to share these Top 14 New Year’s Resolutions for 2012 and I am passionate and ready to make an impact on my town and this Nation. Ask me HOW you can change YOUR life this year and help many others do the same as a Team Beachbody Coach!
Scottie Hobbs you are awesome. I thank God every day that Shawn Maxwell introduced us !