Vanilla Shakeology Recipes
Here are the Vanilla Shakeology recipes created by Team Beachbody and that come with your 30 serving Money Back Guarantee bag of Shakeology. I would also love to see YOUR favorite Vanilla Shakeology recipes if you would love to share them with us below in the comment section. Team Beachbody has been searching for a couple years to create the Vanilla Shakeology that stands up to Team Beachbody’s standards. Today was the first day that I had a full Shake and I mixed it with ice, Almond Milk, and one scoop of Vanilla Shakeology. It was absolutely AMAZING just like that. I’m excited to see your Vanilla Shakeology recipes and to be able to share them with my friends and family!
The new Vanilla Shakeology is kid approved in my family and actually the only flavor out of the four that my two oldest daughters really like. Remember to comment below with your favorite Vanilla Shakeology recipes so we can share with our friends and family!