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What does a Beachbody Coach Do |

What does a Beachbody Coach Do? As a coach I really have two roles. 1st is to get results for myself and others with our nutrition and fitness programs. 2nd is to teach and mentor others how to build a business by helping other people with these programs. We have 4 vital behaviors to being successful. 1.) Be proof the products work. 2.) Do Personal Development. 3.) Connect, Invite, Followup. 4.) Get people results

What does a Beachbody Coach Do

I was reading in a book called “The Four Agreements” and I want to share something with you. “In your whole life nobody has ever abused you more than you have abused yourself. And the limit of your self-abuse is exactly the limit that you will tolerate from somebody else.”

Most of my life I have abused myself emotionally without really knowing it. I had a lack of self-love and didn’t really know it until just recently. I can say today that I love myself 100%. I love God and I love myself and it feels pretty amazing. The book goes on to share that if somebody abuses you a little more than you abuse yourself, you will probably walk away from that person but that if somebody abuses you a little LESS than you abuse yourself, you will probably stay in the relationship and tolerate it endlessly. We have the need to be accepted and loved by others, but for the most part, we as humans can’t love ourselves.

The more SELF-LOVE that we have, the less we will experience self-abuse. If you’re struggling with your health and fitness journey this might be the area you actually need to focus on. If you’re struggling to build a business, this most likely is the area you need to work on as well. If you’re working on building a business I want to challenge you to take one year working harder on yourself than you actually do on your business. You’ll be surprised at the result, as you truly love yourself and grow in your confidence people will be attracted to you and want to be surrounded buy whatever you’re doing.

After 2 days of filling my spiritual cup with over 8 hours of the LDS General Conference I feel….. BLESSED.

The family I have, the wife I have, the love we are building is all possible through the atonement of Jesus Christ and I am so grateful. I don’t know who needs to hear this. But If you’re struggling in your relationships, just know that there are brighter days ahead. ( 5 years ago Gabby and I separated with 5 kids and a plan for divorce.) there was a line in a conference talk that hit me deep in the soul. “Choose the harder right”

What if we all just stopped TRYING? Some babies crawl at 6 months. Mine was almost 8 months and was still trying. Some babies walk at 9 months. Some take till 18 months. But one thing is in common. They all keep trying until they get it.

They never give up.

What if we as adults all took this simple example and applied it to our lives with our goals, relationships, and ambitions. Stop comparing. Stop giving up. Keep believing. Never give up my friends. You have a vision and dream in your life for a reason. I don’t believe God would plant a vision for your life without there being a way for it to come to pass. God wants you to succeed.I want you to win.Gabby and I want to be a part of that journey for you.