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When you are not growing you are dying- It's time to WAKE UP

When you are not growing you are dying.

i'm dying

I spent years of my life dying and I know YOU are too🤔

A tragedy in life is NOT aiming for a goal and then falling short of the target 🎯

A tragedy is not having something to reach for and challenge you in life at all🤔

It isn’t the worst thing to die with dreams unrealized, but it will be a regret if you come to the end knowing you never dreamed😳

It isn’t a disaster to not reach your ideal potential, but it is a disaster to not try and reach at all🙌🏻

Its not the end of the world to not reach the stars ✨, but it is the end of the world to have no stars to reach for😢

This life was meant to challenge you and to grow you 🙏🏻

If you aren’t fulfilled with what you are doing find a challenge. 🙆🏻‍♂️

When you are not growing you are dying. 🤔😢

Strain your very potential until it begs for mercy and that is the way you will know that you gave everything you had on this short blink of time in eternity 🙏🏻🙌🏻