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You Are Enough |

You wake up and you’re in your later years. You are surrounded by family and multiple generations who admire and love you for just being YOU.

You’re not thinking of high school, your college degree, paying your mortgage, or advancing your career.

You’re just smiling because you did your best and left your mark.

The world was better because you were here.

I think too often you have blinders on and can’t see much past your current situation.

It gets better for you.

You accomplish your goals.

You live with integrity.

Your family cares deeply for you.

You are enough.

This man I’m sure made plenty of mistakes in life like each of us in his over 100 years of life.

However I love him.

He was a pioneer who left Bolivia with his wife and had a vision for a better future for his family.

Because of that courageous decision a little 2 year old girl came with her family over 30 years ago and I was able to meet her and have the beautiful family that we have today

What you do ripples in eternity my friend, so keep moving forward

You Are Enough

I help you as a new parent who is overworked, underpaid, and under-appreciated to reignite your dreams, feel good today, and build successful habits.. Send me an email at

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