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You don't have to be picked |

Times are certainly different than when I was a kid. I’m older than Google and if you wanted to “make it” the belief was that you had to be “picked”. My friend, you don’t have to be picked.

I’m mostly thinking about sports. I had a desire to be a professional baseball player and then later a musician. You’d have to be lucky and have the right agent, label, or recruiter see you at the right time and performing at your very best.

Yes you’d have to work hard and develop your talents but there was really no way to pick yourself.

If you wanted to be a professional musician now. You just have to develop the skills and talents and then produce and distribute your own work.

I love something that Seth Godin shared.

“Our cultural instinct is to wait to get picked. To seek out the permission, authority and safety that comes from a publisher or talk show host or even a blogger saying, “I pick you.” Once you reject that impulse and realize that no one is going to select you— that Prince Charming has chosen another house-then you can actually get to work.

I’m older than Google and if you wanted to “make it” the belief was that you had to be “picked”. My friend, you don't have to be picked. , men bodi

Once you understand that there are problems just waiting to be solved, once you realize that you have all the tools and all the permission you need, then the opportunities to contribute abound.

Most of all, when you buckle down, confront the lizard ( reactionary part of your brain), and ship your best work, you’re becoming the artist that you are capable of becoming.

No one is going to pick you. Pick yourself.”

If you’ve read this far my friend your best work and gifts haven’t been given to the world because you’re still waiting for permission.

Today I give you permission to trust yourself and share those gifts with the world.

If you are reading this message, you don’t have to do it alone. Come join a group with us and create some new habits where you’ll start to feel better almost right away. We’ll help you feel better and earn more for your family. We’re building an Elite top team and want to work with hard working, vision driven, dreamers like you. 

If you have results with these programs and want to learn how to become a partner on our team please make sure that you fill out this application. 

If you are not sure WHAT a partner is and want to watch a few videos BEFORE filling out an application that’s okay and you can watch them HERE