Gabby: “Baby, we need a new washer and dryer. “
Me: “Okay, let’s pull $20 out of every paycheck and then when Black Friday comes in a few months let’s get a new set.”
That’s all we knew and honestly I was okay with it.
The other week Gabby pulled me aside and said, “I want to bring Kina and Mila to Arizona with us.”
Me: “Let’s do it.”
I know it feels like there’s so much time but my friends, they grow fast!
Go Book the flights
Go Get the Airbnb
Go get the passports
That feeling will make all the sacrifices, all the no’s, all the rejection, the grinding of your business late at night, early in morning, and in the pockets of time more than worth it.
I see you my friend. Say YES more often to taking the daily steps to build the LIFE you want.
Go on that trip.
Go visit your grandmother.
Go build that business
Go say you love that person
Go say your sorry
Say YES to the opportunity
You’ve got one life my friend. I believe in you.

I help you as a new parent who is overworked, underpaid, and under-appreciated to reignite your dreams, feel good today, and build successful habits.. Send me an email at [email protected]
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