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Your brain is not built to make you happy |

“Watch your thoughts for they become your word; Watch your words, for they become your actions; watch your actions, for they become your habits; watch your habits, for they become your character; watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” Your brain as a human is hardwired to find negativity. You could have one negative comment on your social media post or in life and 10 compliments and I can almost guarantee you that you will focus on the negative comment. Your brain is not built to make you happy. It is built to keep you alive. It’s built for survival.

Let’s imagine you’re driving down this beautiful highway in Idaho and you see this sunset and rainbow. It’s so beautiful that you almost have to see it because pictures can’t capture its beauty.

Your brain is not built to make you happy

Do you slow down and check it out?

Do you stop?

Do you pull over and stare at it?

Most likely not. Most likely you give it a glance. Maybe you acknowledge it with a word or two to your driving companion, but you keep the pedal down and continue flying down the freeway hand stuck to the steering wheel.

On the other hand, what happens when you cruise by a car crash?

Do you slow down?

Do you stop?

Do you stare?

Yes , yes, and yes.

We all do it’s because we’re hardwired to seek the negative. 

It can be hard to control your thoughts for this reason I want you to create a habit of reading personal development books then and writing out daily your goals and vision.

There are power in your words and you can have control over what you write down and what you speak into your own life and the lives of those were working to serve.

If you are reading this message, you don’t have to do it alone. Come join a group with us and create some new habits where you’ll start to feel better almost right away. We’ll help you feel better and earn more for your family.

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