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“Your income is stuck at the ceiling of your ambition.”

This event was like a warm hug and a kick in the A%* all at the same time.

My mentor Brendon shared this from the stage yesterday and tears immediately began to stream down my cheeks.

I was so upset for the first time at a Summit event. Our team which was once 45,000 partners is now around 12,000. It was my first time not being recognized on stage for the past years advancements but more importantly, not one of my partners was on that stage either and I take full responsibility for that.

Your income is stuck

People have always come and gone but for the first time I focused more on what was going wrong than what we have. I lost sight of the importance of our mission.

I showed consistently up but I was not ambitious and did not strive for more.

I forgot what I was fighting for. I let discouraging thoughts take more control of my mind and it spiraled. I’ve fought battles that I have never shared on the internet or with anybody but a couple close friends. I have had nights where I lay in bed and can’t fall asleep.

That stops now and I need YOUR accountability. As I sit here teared up at the airport gate I’m realizing that an NFL team never wins the Super Bowl every year, and an Olympic athlete doesn’t win a Gold metal every meet. This will be my comeback. This will be OUR comeback together. I want to live my best life and feel awesome every day because the work I am doing matters.

Your income is stuck

At a post event hosted by my friends Julie and Danielle they had people write down a dream and life goal. Over 200 people were there and a few stood up and shared theirs. I listened to multiple people share their dreams and I was overwhelmed because I KNOW you also have dreams that you’ve given up or you don’t know how or have a path to achieve them.

I want YOU to feel awesome every day and I want you to earn more money for your family.

If you see me losing the spark call me out. If you are ready to feel awesome every day and earn more for your family, let’s do this together.

If you are reading this message, you don’t have to do it alone. Come join a group with us and create some new habits where you’ll start to feel better almost right away. 

If you have results with these programs and want to learn how to become a partner on our team please make sure that you fill out this application. 

If you are not sure WHAT a partner is and want to watch a few videos BEFORE filling out an application that’s okay and you can watch them HERE