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Your perfect day |

One of the most powerful things that you can ever do for yourself will be to craft your perfect day.

This exercise is something I’ve done for 14 years and has led to the beautiful life that I get to experience today with my family.

Step 1.

I’m going to help you do that you ask yourself a series of questions. You will map out what your perfect day looks like along the path to achieving your vision.

How do you want every day to look?

How do you want to feel every single day? What are you creating daily?

Who are you with?

What are you exposing yourself? What passions are you fulfilling?

your perfect day

On my perfect day I wake up next to the woman of my dreams who is truly my best friend. I have a slow paced morning as I enjoy the sunrise off the deck of our dream home on the Snake River. Our home is paid off and we have zero debt. We have an abundance of income that allows us to help those in need and to have experiences and to travel without hesitation. Every day I wake up and feel energized and alive to fulfill my purpose of helping other humans feel better and to earn more income for their families. I’m so grateful each day that I’ve been able to work from home and on my own schedule. Our afternoons are filled with play and laughter and we enjoy incredible sunsets off our front porch in the evenings.

Step 2. Write out the itinerary.

My perfect day.

6:30: wake up, write out my vision and goals, meditate, pray, and enjoy the views from my back deck.

7:00: Drink my healthy shake and wake the kids and hug them.

7:30: Then create and ad value on my social media, blog, or a YouTube.

8:00: Do a workout that challenges me

9:00: Do three needle moving activities for my business on my to do list.

10:30: Check in with my leaders and team mates about their goals, vision, and projects

11:30: healthy lunch and no device while spending time with my wife.

12:30: Work on connecting with and serving customers and partners in my business.

2:30: exercise with my kids

3:30: take a one hour nap

4:30: Free time to be present to play with wife and kids or atttend sporting events ( includes dinner) *device free *

7:30: household chores

8:30: personal time for hobbies( movies, games, ect.)

10:30: read with Gabby and massage her feet

12:00: bedtime

In every successful season of my life, I had a detailed daily itinerary that I believe set me up to win. Your schedule should list out every step you need to take to reach your end goal. 

The newest emerging leader in our business is an incredible father of four in his 40s who has an amazing income, wife, and 4 kids. However, his ideal day does not include an hour commute to work, 9 to 10 hours in the office, and coming home after 6 PM. So we had him do this activity I shared with you above and within 3 months of doing this activity, he advanced his business to the rank of diamond and now has bigger goals. He’s pushing forward with.

I want you to write out your ideal perfect day and what your itinerary would look like

If you are reading this message, you don’t have to do it alone. Come join a group with us and create some new habits where you’ll start to feel better almost right away. We’ll help you feel better and earn more for your family. We’re building an Elite top team and want to work with hard working, vision driven, dreamers like you. 

If you have results with these programs and want to learn how to become a partner on our team please make sure that you fill out this application. 

If you are not sure WHAT a partner is and want to watch a few videos BEFORE filling out an application that’s okay and you can watch them HERE