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November 2010 - Home of the Best BODi Partners |

Weight Lifting

“Weight lifting does so much more than build pecs and biceps. It causes the body to burn calories all day long and even while you sleep. It protects joints from wear and tear. Bones become denser and less prone to injury. Strength training reduces body fat,...

Round 3 Week 2- P90X

Well so far I am loving the P90X program while hating it at the same time!  I actually did more reps with a few heavier weights this week.  I did however pause the video in between workout moves so that I could catch my breathe.  I had a bad...


  I am mainly having troubles with my calves.  They are SO stiff after Fridays Legs and Back workout!  I have 5 months under my belt since I started working out so I am down to the weight I want to be. The only thing I regret is I spent the 5...

My first Yoga day

Well we started Round 3 of P90X on Monday and I had decided I was going to replace my Yoga day with some other workout.  My wife told me that Yoga is supposed to build core strength so I decided I would try it.  I thought it would be all of this...