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April 2011 - Page 3 of 3 - Home of the Best BODi Partners |

Upper Body Strength Doing Pull Ups

   Upper Body Strength Doing Pull Ups One of the most important exercises that you can do to increase upper body strength is pull ups and man do you do alot of them with P90X!  I am currently using a weighted vest at 22lbs and it has greatly increased my strength.  I...
Can I workout with Cerebral Palsy

Can I workout with Cerebral Palsy

    Can I workout with Cerebral Palsy   David is the newest member of my team.  He inspires me beyond what I ever imagined.  I have seen AMAZING transformations, huge muscle gains, and extreme weight loss.  What I see in David surpasses all of this.  I have never been...

Russian Bear 5000 Facts

Vitol Russian Bear 5000, Ice Cream Chocolate 4-PoundsRussian Bear 5000-Vitol 5000 Calorie Weight Gainer, 4lb VanillaThis is the protein powder that I prefer over all others.  I am writing this review for all of those that are wanting to try this product as a...