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September 2023 - Home of the Best BODi Partners |


Reasons why you DON’T workout:1.) Busy2.) Kids3.) Health issues 4.) Joint pain 5.) Too tired 6.) Unfamiliar with exercises  Reasons why you NEED to workout:1.) Busy2.) Kids3.) Health issues 4.) Joint pain 5.) Too tired6.) Unfamiliar with...
Feeling Better

Feeling Better

“What are you training for?”  That’s the question that was posed to you this morning as you listened to the weekly training call.  What ARE you training for? Is it abs? Is it to lose weight? Is it to run a marathon? Is it to have a good physique? You heard...
Helping Others Feel Good Too

Helping Others Feel Good Too

You’re sitting there at your corporate job 10 years from now and you’re reflecting back. (I’ll be 52 in 10 years ).  You’ve been working hard and climbing that ladder. If you think about it, in reality you are living the “American Dream.”  You have...
Staying Focused

Staying Focused

I got distracted and lost some momentum. I heard about how people were making some good side money doing IG reels but then also heard Gary V say that Facebook reels were going to be the best way to go viral. So I committed to making funny reels once a day. I hit the...
Staying Focused And Disciplined

Staying Focused And Disciplined

You might have heard “online influencers” portray the story of easy residual income without having to work. My hope is that you’ve never thought that from me.  My daily IG stories may show a lot of play, being present at kids games, and fun adventure HOWEVER I...