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September 2023 - Page 3 of 4 - Home of the Best BODi Partners |
Having A Clear Vision

Having A Clear Vision

You don’t want to ever clock in or ask for a day off ever again. EVER. You never want to be forced to say, “we can’t afford that.” “What you need is a vision that is SO BIG that it is compelling, not only to others but to YOU. If it’s not compelling, you...
Having People By Your Side

Having People By Your Side

“I would be a partner but I don’t want to sell or recruit.” If you don’t want to sell something or recruit than honestly building any business might not be the best option for you. In order to build a business you need people by your side on...


I envision a team of incredible humans like the ones I get to work with. I feel so blessed that God has brought them into our lives and that we’ve been able to share our gifts and work together. I have seen how first hand goals are like magnets. For the first time in...
Positive Self Talk

Positive Self Talk

Don’t wait for somebody else to tell you you’re doing a good job. You need to learn to be your own best encourager. When you do a good job at something, give yourself a compliment. Every time you choose discipline over indulgence, don’t tell yourself that you should...
Positive Change In Your Life

Positive Change In Your Life

6 2/3 hours of minimum wage work in our state of Idaho will pay you the same amount as selling ONE Total Solution Pack to a customer. A Total Solution Pack is an incredible deal at only $199 and includes one year access to all of our workouts and meal plans + either a...