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22 Minute Hard Corps

22 Minute Hard Corps

Danielle Bennett

results may vary

Did you know that the creator of P90X Tony Horton spends the majority of his time traveling to military bases across the world to work with and train our Military?  I was super stoked when he decided to create this 20 minute workout called 22 Minute Hard Corps.  It has a one minute workout, then 20 minutes of WORK, then a 1 minute cool down.  My friend Danielle is a mother and was chosen to be in the 22 Minute Hard Corps test group that just finished up last week and she shared this results with me and I couldn’t help not sharing them with all of you.  The program launched for you to purchase and use on the 1st of March so if  you want a fun at home and short military style workout then I think you should give 20 minutes a day for yourself.  I LOVE what Danielle shares about how this program helped her especially with getting off of a medication for anxiety.



“Before I started with this, I had struggled with post partum depression, and then got diagnosed with extreme Anxiety disorder as well. I had ZERO confidence, I had absolutely no energy to get up and do anything with my baby girl, None of my clothes fit and I just felt so disgusted and disappointed in myself. Because of all of this, I gained a bunch of weight back, and suffered with daily anxiety attacks in which Ativan was part of my daily life.

NOWWWWWWWW, since starting this, I feel better, than I ever have, in my entire life !!!! My energy is through the roof, I’m surrounded by nothing but positive and incredible people, I have ABS..And I’m a MOM !!! Having  something I didn’t think could happen!  I wake up earlier every morning, sleep better through the night, and I’m just overall, healthy, and Happy !!! I haven’t had to take ativan since week 1 because I no longer have attacks ! Its the most incredible feeling to be in complete control of myself ! My baby girl is 2 1/2 years old.

Im going to continue this journey, because I want other people to know what is possible. That they CAN gain confidence, gain CONTROL of their lives and actually be HAPPY and Healthy ! I want to set a great example for my beautiful daughter that I’m blessed to be with every single day ! I hope that by sharing my journey I can inspire others to start theirs!”