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3 Week Fitness Program- Happy helping others and rewarded?

3 Week Fitness Program

Aislinn McLaren
3-week-fitness-program, 21 day fix ,
I want to give a shout out to my friend Aisylinn who has completed her 3 Week Fitness program inside of our FREE Fitness and Accountability group on Facebook.  She is completed this 3 week fitness program and has now moved onto another slightly more challenging program where she will be able push herself a little harder as she strives to achieve the results with her health and fitness.  One thing that is helping her stay accountability is the accountability of the group and doing these 30 minute daily workouts in the home with her Husband James.
EMAIL ME TO JOIN FREE GROUP- [email protected]


3-week-fitness-program, 21 day fix,

I asked her how she feels about her first 3 weeks and she shared with me,  “I wanted to get fit for myself and to set a positive body image and routine for my daughter. I want to be a good and positive roll model for her. I have tons more energy, I am happier, I don’t have as many cravings. I have a clear mind and more drive. I will always continue for the benefits physically and mentally. It’s so rewarding to help people out and it rewards me too.”