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Beachbody Infomercials |

Beachbody Infomercials

Brittany Howell

You know those Beachbody Infomercials that you see late at night on tv?  You may have seen a P90X, Insanity, 21 Day Fix, Body Beast, or recently a CIZE one?  I was at church yesterday and a few people mentioned that they saw our cute little family dancing on tv while they were at the gym.  Those are Beachbody Infomercials and Beachbody pays millions to spread the word about these amazing programs.  You know what is even cooler?  Beachbody PAYS Team Beachbody coaches to help people through these programs and actually offers every single person who orders on the Beachbody infomercials a FREE COACH.  In the past 5 years we have been featured in the Body Beast Infomercial as well as the CIZE infomercial but also have met amazing people who have also completely transformed their lives with Team Beachbody.  I want to share with you the results of my friend Brittany but also add a video at the bottom of this post where you can learn, just like Brittany, how you can be a part of this amazing company as you work life-long on your health, fitness, and financial goals.


results may vary

“Before starting Beachbody I was desperately searching for what I could do with my life. I wanted something that I loved and had passion for.  I was a stay at home that homeschooled my children but I wanted to do something for me as well. I also wanted to help with the family income.  I had always had the desire to be healthy and fit and I tried going to gym but never saw huge results because I didn’t know what to do.  I was always intrigued with the Beachbody infomercials so one day I got on the website and that where I found the coaching opportunity.  I’ve been obsessed since that day and absolutely love what it has done for my life.  If never made more than what I’m currently making now I would still do it.  Team Beachbody has made me a better mom and wife, it’s given me more confidence, and the energy I have from Shakeology is amazing.
