Beachbody Nutrition Guide
Amanda Pare
I loved seeing the results of my friend Amanda after completing her home fitness program and following the Beachbody Nutrition Guide that comes with her access to over 700 different workouts. It’s easy to see while looking at these two photos that her physique and body has changed, but as I asked her about how her life is changing due to committing herself to a program and following the Beachbody Nutrition Plan, it’s clear to see that the transformation goes much deeper than just the physical changes. We are proud of you Amanda and excited to see you continue on your journey of living a long, healthy, and fulfilling life as you strive to teach and show others how to do the same as you as an online/virtual health and fitness coach!
“I wanted to loose a few lbs and have more energy and to feel more comfortable in a bathing suit this summer. Since completing my program I have more energy and I definitely feel more confident in a bathing suit! I also feel happy that I met my goals that I set for myself. I also really enjoyed doing this program. One of my goals was to follow the Beachbody nutrition guide and I was able to do that easily, the menu had lots of good choices, I didn’t feel hungry, I felt satisfied! I will always continue in this journey and continue to encourage others because taking good care of our selves and our health is the most important thing in life. Fitness and nutrition are key to helping our mind, body and souls be at there most healthy potential. I don’t want a life altering disease or condition that will set me back in life, I want to be as healthy as I can to live a long full filling life, and I want that for everyone else”