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Busy Mom Health

Busy Mom Health

Tina Fraley

Let me introduce you to this busy mom.  I’m not talking busy like has a couple of kids busy.  We are talking about BUSY mom of 7 kids.  Even though you may be a busy mom, health should always be one of your top priorities so that you can be there 100% for your children.  If you can’t first learn to take care of yourself, you’ll never be able to fully take care of the ones you love most.  That is the message that I have learned most from my friend Tina.  Tina is in love with sharing her results and continuous health journey as a Team Beachbody Coach as a part of our team.  Tina uses Beachbody workouts and drinks Shakeology every single day to help make sure that she is getting dense nutrition in with her clean eating.


results may vary

“The “real” secret is that its not a secret. I was in my own way for years. I tried just working out and would lose and gain back, I tried just eating healthier and again, I would lose and gain it back. It truly was my understanding that I needed to eat healthier WHILE working out that made it happen. I eat 6 meals a day and workout for 30 minutes… that’s it…. that’s the secret. The hardest part was learning how to put myself first in the equation… as a momma to 7, time is of the essence… but even my kids join in and enjoy how all of our lives have changed”

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