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Coach Scottie Archives - Page 4 of 6 - Home of the Best Beachbody Coaches |

Favorite Shaun T Quotes!

Shaun T Insanity Quotes! “Don’t compromise form for safety” “LETS GO!” “Ready? Jack it out! We start to jack a little faster! Jack it out!” “That sh*! is bananas yo!” “Shaun T is starting to sweat”...

Shakeology Comparison

SHAKEOLOGY COMPARISON Price Comparison Jamba Juice-  it’s $3.50 for the small, $4.00 for the medium, and $4.50 for the large. Shakeology- $4.00 per serving This $4.00 per serving, in my case, is shared between myself and my wife everyday.  You can’t beat...

Who is Beachbody Coach Scottie Hobbs?

Scottie Hobbs – Beachbody Coach I am a soft spoken person that makes friends with anyone and everyone.  I can’t think of one person that I truly dislike.  I do not allow negativity in my life. Positive, positive, positive!  I am the father of three...