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Blog Archives - Page 24 of 160 - Home of the Best BODi Partners |
Set A Goal

Set A Goal

Let’s give my guy Tyler some love. After leaving the reward trip in Mexico he was ready to go ALL IN. The first phot was April 2nd “Where your focus goes, energy flows.” I left Cancún in early April ready to lean back into my own healthy habits . For any of you who...
Level Up

Level Up

“People will laugh at you for having to start over. Meanwhile, they haven’t even started.” -Mike Tyson Did you know that our last new Diamond leader was a former coach who started again? Her name is @laurathomaspelayo and she’s amazing. Our next diamonds are...
Spending Quality Time

Spending Quality Time

There was a guy working out with his kid that was maybe 12 or 13 years old at the gym today and I thought it was super awesome to be there with his son teaching him how to stay active and fit. So I tell him that it’s great seeing him spending that quality time...
Our Team

Our Team

I just got off the phone with this amazing woman named Star Moore. She has been doing these home workouts for close to 15 years and is super excited to be a partner on our team the LEVEL UP SQUAD. She is a mom of 5 and has a Dog Grooming business so she’s a hard...
Work Hard

Work Hard

Don’t “fake it till you make it” That’s some garbage advice. FACE it till you make it. Get up. Work hard. Fail. Stand back up. Face it again. Do a little better. Fail again. Get back up. “Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to...
Going Places

Going Places

The typical approach to understand human behavior has been to look for the average behavior or outcome. I’m going to advise you to NOT do that. You are ready to level up and you do not want to be in the “cult of average”. Here’s an example, in psychology, if someone...