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Blog Archives - Page 7 of 146 - Home of the Best Beachbody Coaches |
Hard Work And Growth

Hard Work And Growth

It’s a moment of immense pride and joy as we look back at the past 12 years of hard work and growth. Today, we raise our voices to celebrate the remarkable team of moms and dads who have embarked on their health and fitness journey while building a thriving business,...
Stop The Excuses

Stop The Excuses

At the end of my life, one of the last things I’d ever want said about me is “Scott was a good guy, he just couldn’t seem to get his shit together.” You have to stop with the EXCUSES and BLAME It’s an old pattern and cycle that will keep you from accomplishing...
Quality Over Quantity

Quality Over Quantity

It’s NEVER too late. It’s not new news that I’ve been building a virtual health & wellness business for the last 12 years. Many of you have been following along the journey for many many years (which I appreciate SO MUCH)! 6 years ago I had a major shift where I...
Doing What You Love

Doing What You Love

I am constantly amazed by how many people I meet who are not happy with what they are doing for a living. Why do people stick with a job that they do not love? I get that it’s important to make sure that your bills are paid. And I also understand we’ve all done jobs...
Accomplish Your Financial Goals

Accomplish Your Financial Goals

You want to be healthy, fit, strong AND accomplish your financial goals and dreams and I believe it’s possible for you. Here’s a quick reminder disguised in a riddle. Five frogs are sitting on a log. Four decide to jump off. How many are left? The typical answer that...
Working From Home

Working From Home

The 2 most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you realize why. I realized this was my calling in life 8 months into my journey and business. I had been home sick with the “man cold” for 3 days. It was a Friday afternoon and my...