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Change my Life- She lost 165 lbs

Change my Life

Laura Preston


Have you ever met anybody who has lost 165 lbs?  Thanks to social media I have been able to meet and get connected with amazing people like Laura who one day decided that she wanted to change her life.  Since making that decision she has been able to lose 165 lbs and create a life of helping and inspiring others to believe in themselves.  Have you ever asked yourself, “I need to change my life?”  If so, I am writing this post in hopes to get you thinking about your life and the changes that you want to make.   Thanks to Team Beachbody I have also made a big change in my life and its my passion to help you achieve your goals and dreams.


change my life

results may vary

“I ordered my first Beachbody Program from my couch in March of 2005. I had been home from the hospital for two days…and was sleeping on the couch. I had just had a gastric bypass in White Plains NYC. I knew I had to make drastic permanent lifestyle changes in order for long term success. I watched Chalene Johnson Turbo Jam promo and thought….I could do this. I loved her energy and passion. I had never ordered anything off a infomercial before.

Since then I have done Turbo Jam, Hip Hop Abs, Chalene Extreme and Turbo Fire. I am getting ready to start 21 Day Fix in November, Cize in December and Body Beast in January.

I have spent the last 10+ years changing my life and habits.  I never have the confidence in myself and abilities. I always let my personal struggle overcome my confidence.

I became a Beachbody Coach and I know I was meant to do this with my life. I have lost and kept off 165lbs for the last 10 years. I have a final 35lbs to get off. I am putting everything into creating my dream life. I have had a business plan on paper for over 10+ years…always letting the fear of failure overcome my dream. No more. I quit my corporate job in August. I have left Chicago and moved to Michigan…and I am opening my own wellness studio on January 1st. I have rented a space that is work live….it has 2 office spaces, 2 apartment and 2 exercise studios. I received my nutrition certification from IIN in 2012…and I am just starting my studies for my NASM Personal Training certification with a specialization in weight loss and women fitness. I am on the wait list for Summit…and I am hoping to get my turbo and Cize certification. I currently run two online paid support groups for people struggling with obesity and morbid obesity.

My why is because it holds me accountable everyday. I know I have mentally never connected because I always did it in pieces. I am taking the 3 vital practices to heart this time. I am kicking off a group with a kickstarted 21 day fix…and I am going to do it start from finish. Be a product of the product. To lead by example to my tribe. Personal development is a no brainer for me…I have been doing it for years. I am now giving it 100% of my all…..failure is not an option. It is 100% my job and life now.

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